Your happiness or a screwed marriage???


So once again I am watching the five year engagement and seeing all the postponing nd all I just laugh..Sincerely I think marriage is simply overrated. if you really wanna marry,you should consider your happiness in the long run. Why get engaged if you are not sure.yes I know it will b embarrassing for the guy if you say no especially if it is a public proposal. If you are not sure,simply discuss it with himso you don’t end Up like the five year engagement couple.
If you have to be a single mother before you find your “happy” man then go for it. If you are gonna clock 40 before you find your “happy” man then no problem but what I want everyone to know is that please take your time before you decide on marriage.consider yourself first before you consider the dude.Yes!it is selfish but your mind and happiness matters.
And in that note,please there is no such thing as a PERFECT man/woman. Kindly kill all those Disney fairytales nd all. Just be happy.

#my two cents.
Love y’all.