Time to let the wall down???


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Okay!so here I am this quiet night silently cursing nepa for being the bastards that they are. So I had decided to give myself a break from relationships due to a nasty breakup in 2012.I said no more relationships because I felt I need a fresh start,drop the baggages.
So I am chilling on my own,enjoying the single life and boom!they invade my space. First is a really nice boy whose family I love gaan.I like him tho but will it last if we end up going out??Oh and he has proposed to me twice..Lool!!he makes me laugh mehn.
Secondly is the childhood crush that suddenly realizes that the attention has stopped coming. Oh i was ignoring her when she did everything for me and paid attention to me. Oh and he decides to send a “drunk”message saying he loves and misses me..(Joke of the century).His ship has sailed sadly.
Thirdly is this Delta boy that an ex-friend boyfriend introduced to me.. Omg!!the attention he gives me ehn,he is just responsible and hardworking..Asked me out during one of our conversations but I said “errmmm I will think about it”.
Fourthly is this CUTE boy that I sincerely don’t know his motives.He says he likes me and I just don’t know atall.
So the “Problem ” now is that should I let down the wall??I am enjoying my single life.I have decided not to settle for less anymore,I deserve the best.I want a tangible relationship something that might errmmm possibly lead to marriage.*covers face*.

I believe I am not being selfish..

Oh btw,It’s my mama’s birthday…whoop!whoop!!I love that woman.. 😀

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